Scalloped Potatoes | The College Cook Thanksgiving


-2 1/2 lbs of russet potatoes, peeled and sliced

-2 cups of shredded cheese (I use a blend of gouda and white cheddar)

-Fresh parmesan for grating at the end

-2 cups of heavy cream

-Pinch of salt & pepper

-Butter for greasing pan


-Preheat oven to 350 degrees

-Peel and thinly slice the potatoes

-Grease a baking tin or saute pan with butter

-Line the tin with a layer of potatoes, top with a layer of cheese, a bit of cream, salt & pepper

-Continue this process until the dish is full

-Grate fresh parmesan over the top layer and cover with tin foil

-Bake for 30 minutes covered, then uncovered for an additional 30 minutes

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